Building Queendoms



Women are rock stars at money! Every time a mother manages her family budget in order to put food on the table, every time she takes advantage of discounts and gifts, every time she chooses to double down on her debts and invest her excess income, every time she starts her own business alongside her other workloads….Women are excellent money manifestors, managers, and multipliers - it’s just that sometimes they don’t know that they are, so cannot use this knowledge to drastically improve their lives and become abundantly wealthy.

It’s about time we changed that, don’t you think?


At Queens of Capital, our vision is for all women and girls to have access to financial education and independence. When women have this as a staple to their education, we think the world is going to change in a beautiful way and look a little bit more like this:

Wealth will be distributed more evenly across genders

The extremes of wealth and poverty will be eliminated

The gender pay gap will lessen (and everyone will recognise the true value of raising children!!)

Women will be more equally involved in making financial decisions in households and across nations

Women are miraculous. We have super powers - such as intuition, loving service and a keen intellect - which will only be amplified when we all have a greater share of wealth. It all starts with you - and we’re here to help you make your financial dreams happen. 


Hello, you beautiful creature!

I’m Pax, Empress of Queens of Capital and chief facilitator of our programmes and live calls. I’m a long-time investor in business start-ups, innovative technology, and since 2016, Bitcoin and other crypto assets, so I’m well familiar with this revolutionary asset class.

I also know what it’s like to be in serious debt, to scrape by week-to-week and work my butt off to line other people’s pockets. I worked hard to figure out how to turn it on its head, become an excellent money manager and create generational wealth, financial independence and autonomy for myself and my family. It didn’t happen overnight, but it did happen and better than I expected - and I want to show you how I did it!

You don’t need to wait decades to experience financial abundance or spend tens of thousands of dollars on courses and accreditations like I did, in order to learn how to master the wealth game.

My courses are designed to fast-track you through everything I’ve learned and everything that’s working for me and my team. We’re rocking the feminine powers in our dedicated QOC community, learning how to cultivate happy money and releasing fear around financial insecurity.

If there’s one thing I’m certain of, it’s that when women help each other, the whole world rises with us. That’s the world I’m committed to creating for myself, for all women and for future generations.

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To this end, my programmes are geared towards three areas:

  1. The spirituality and energetic frequency of money - learn how to align head and heart to be in the flow of happy money all of the time, so that we may become unstuck from the fear and lack of not having enough, especially in difficult times.

  2. The practicalities of excellent money management - learn the simplest, most user-friendly way to manage your money so that you can pay off your debts while also growing your wealth AND so that you get to enjoy your money now, not just when you finally “make it”.

  3. Investing, trading and automatic income generation - learn how to turn a small amount into an ever-increasing flow of money so that you can live like a true Queen! Serious wealth is not just for MIT graduates and those with an endless number of college degrees - anyone, anywhere, can now make it happen, and faster than ever before by becoming an early adopter of the crypto industry.

We are on the precipice of the greatest dislocation of wealth that the world has ever seen

$9.1 trillion dollars of annual fees - that YOU have been paying every year to the top tiers of society - is already starting to get redistributed amongst all of us regular, hard-working folks who’ve always been reliant on others for our money. In my programmes, you will learn everything you need to know to get started - and you can even choose to make money during the courses as we go along - to become completely financially independent and to get ahead of the curve.

It’s time to protect our wealth, our families and our planet

This can only happen by actively reducing the extremes of wealth and poverty in the world - and that starts right here, right now, with you.

I’m here to serve you and ensure that you make it. Join me.

Pax 💋


Think you’re too late? Think again!

Hi, I’m Elisa Tidswell, Money Management and Mindset Coach for our Castle programme - I am so glad you’re here! If you’re like most women - and like me - you grew up knowing nothing to very little about wealth creation. Instead, all you probably knew was that money was always in scarce supply, a constant source of stress and anxiety, and basically, not for you.

I hear you. Listen, my lovely, I didn’t know anything about wealth creation until I was 38. That was the time that I decided I REALLY had to do something about my relationship with money because despite running a successful business for over a decade, I still felt like I lived paycheque to paycheque, constantly worrying about money and burying my head in the sand about finances (think zero pension, no savings, no plan for the future).

So do something I did: I started off taking a money mindset course, threw myself headfirst into creating new beliefs, habits and emotions about money, trained as a coach…and then things began to change. I started reading the financial news (say whaaat!), investing my money and then eventually getting into crypto. Ladies, if you’d have told me all this a few years ago I wouldn’t have believed you. If I can do it, you can too. I can’t wait to meet you.


Elisa 💋

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Meet the Rest of our QOC Team!