Update: The $100 Project - 25 weeks in (and after 10 weeks off!)


So I made only a few losses and took 10 weeks off to travel, and this is where we are at, one week from the midway point.

On March 31st I posted this update on Twitter, which basically had my total ROI up at 6,591.43%

As of today, our $100 has grown to $6,691.43.

Been a few weeks so here's a run-down on how we got here:

💎 It took 8 weeks to 10 X our $100;

💎 We then entered the crypto spot market and later migrated some of those assets to the derivatives market;

💎 Mid-March, we bought #BTC Call Options;

So far, things are still going strong!

I took 10 weeks off of all trading activities while travelling through the UK, Sweden, Mexico and Nicaragua, until finally getting back into it on the 19th May. The capital that is serving as collateral for my Call Options is tied up for a while, so I used the remaining funds in my trading account to test a new strategy with which I’d been paper trading and finding very successful. That strategy is going to be my strategy of choice for generating fiat money for funnelling into the crypto ecosystem, along with my HODL bag and my BTC Options.

I posted this update on Twitter just today:

It’s been a while since I updated you all on this, mostly because I’ve been having far too good a time to be trading!

💎 I ended my last profit run and funnelled that fiat into the crypto ecosystem. Those funds are now serving as collateral in some 6+ months-till-expiry BTC options I’m holding.

💎 I started back in the spot market with the remaining $3,513.56 on the 19th May. As of today’s date, 9th June with exactly 3 weeks of trading, my total is $8,632.56.

💎 I got as high as $9,332.56 but cut loss on a slow and boring, very indecisive, sideways trend.

💎 So my trading account is up 145.70% in 3 weeks. My $100 has grown to $14,080.85. That’s a total ROI of 13,980.85% in 25 weeks, even with some losses (and the fact I took a long holiday from all trading activities for 10 weeks in between).

Keep an eye out for more updates as we progress towards the 52-week mark!

Even though I took time off, I’m still calculating the ROI based on a 52-week period, whether or not that time was spent actively trading or accumulating fiat or crypto.

Sometimes I just manifest money though, as was the case recently when I was given $100 for a reply I made to a tweet, and other times the Law of Attraction generator is on high because I am getting better and better at refining exactly what it is I want. That level of clarity and certainty has materialised many things for me over the past few months that were seemingly out of reach and impossible for me less than a year ago.

How Do You Learn to Attract Money This Quickly?

A lot of the money mindset and manifesting techniques I use are available to you in the Castle Programme. The trading techniques are in my live, small-group Empire Programme, and the mechanics of entering the crypto and DeFi ecosystem are all in my flagship Programme, Queendom.

Our next intake for Queendom starts Friday 23rd June. Both Castle and Queendom are study-at-your-own-pace courses but with live coaching calls included each week to augment your learning experience. The Queens of Capital tribe is rich with knowledge and experience and every new Queen has something special to share.

Our live Empire Programme launches the first week of July, so book your spot now as spaces fill up fast! There is a maximum of 6 people in the Empire Programme at any given time. This is so that all questions are answered along the way as we learn together and sometimes, trade live together.

For those of you looking for something more intimate and personalised, I offer mentoring to three Queens at any given time. I will have 2 openings available from July this year.

In Other News, We’ll Be Attending Guy Turner’s CoinBureau Live Event in London, Tomorrow!

Team member, Julieta Ose, will be representing Queens of Capital at tomorrow’s big event. We’ll be sharing highlights afterwards so, keep an eye out for those!

Until then, happy trading, enjoy your days and nights, take care of each other and if you haven’t started to Debank yet, the time is now! Join one of our courses and take your financial autonomy and sovereignty into your own hands!

Love, the Empress 💋